The principle has been known for several years, the main purpose of direct injection is to send chemicals directly to the boom by kipping clean water in the main tank.
Changes made by Berthoud, is characterized by a combination of:
- the can carrier with adaptable plug. Our direct injection is the only one to use standard cans and not to need any buffer can for the preparation of the parent solution.
- the three piston-type dosing pumps adapted on to the direct injection system enables the pure product to be taken in from the can with very high work rates : from 9ml to 4l/ha. Dosing pumps are therefore insensitive to viscosity of the pumped product.
- the cyclone mixer is the key element of the system. It enables a homogenous mix to be manufactured during spraying with high level of reactivity and reducing the hysteresis phenomenon.
- putting into concentration mix enables spraying to start with a homogenous mix and not just water.
It offers the possibility for the farmer to use three products simultaneously or at different times without leaving the driving seat.
The BERTHOUD direct injection has the advantage of being able to be adapted onto any kind of DPAE regulation and will work in parallel with the system. In this way, the Operator can work with or without direct injection.
What are the benefits for the user?
- Protection of the environment: direct injection allows to minimize the residual volume at the end of application which simplifies rinsing and limits the amount of effluent plant for reprocessing.
- conformity in use and safety for the operator: direct injection using standard cans, attached to the system, thus no plant tank is required. The operator is never in contact with pure products, thus limiting its exposure.
- Protection of the environment and safety in use: a clean tank and therefore no risk retention residues of active ingredients that can be harmful to one culture to another if rinsing is mismanaged.