Half the tractors with engine performance above 120 hp
With 59,213 units, tractor production reached approximately the level of 2011, while turnover rose 5 percent to €3.56 billion. Half of the tractors produced in Germany had an engine performance of more than 120 hp (90 kW). Average engine power increased slightly to 146 hp (107 kW). Particularly in the second half of the year, turnover for forage harvesting machinery, soil tillage and sowing equipment and plant protection machinery exceeded the overall trend.
Tractor manufacturers provide turnover impetus
In 2012 turnover generally surpassed the value of the previous year, with particular momentum provided by tractor manufacturers, who experienced record production in the first quarter. Manufacturers are currently producing to capacity, with orders for an average of three months; the order volume corresponds to that of last year. VDMA therefore anticipates a stable turnover trend for 2013, with a widely differing demand for new machinery in individual countries. The largest sales markets continue to be Germany and France, followed by Russia.
Source: VDMA