The "Marianne de Cristal" is a unique and prestigious economic award, created in 1995, that honors, every year, a company that particularly developed its trade with France. Organized by the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Belgian Provinces of Liege and Luxembourg in partnership with the French embassy in Belgium, the prize is nonetheless open to all Walloon companies – subject to certain criteria – operating in the fields of production, distribution and services.
On March 28th, 2013, Victor Joskin received the award from the hands of
His Excellency the Ambassador of France, Mr. Bernard Valero.
The results of the 2013 edition were revealed on March 28th in the prestigious environment of the "Cercle de Wallonie" during a gala evening that brought together economic, political and cultural figures in the presence of His Excellency the Ambassador of France, Mr. Bernard Valero.
The jury, composed of independent prominent figures, recognized for their skills in economy and trade, gave their decision under the supervision of a bailiff. To choose JOSKIN, the jury emphasized on the regular trade exchanges between JOSKIN and France, the presence of a production unit of the Group in Bourges since 2002, the recent commitment made in December 2012 with the takeover of the Leboulch company that was in difficulty, and the hundreds of jobs the JOSKIN Group provides with these two units.
The "Marianne de Cristal" trophy is a symbolic work, designed by the artist
and master glassmaker from Liège, Jacques Royen, and created by the
prestigious Val Saint Lambert crystal factory.