Agro Napló
CONSIDERABLE ATTENTION AT SIMEI 2013 TO TRAINING AND INFORMATION ON THE THEME OF SUSTAINABILITY IN THE WINE INDUSTRYAt Simei-Enovitis the SensoryBars for the tasting of selected wines and oilsThe paradigms of sustainability in agriculture



A particularly full programme of meetings to highlight the role of SIMEI, an international point of reference, now in its 25th year


Milan, 16th October, 2013 - Important and high-profile meetings, debates and seminars scheduled for the 25th year of Simei, the International Exhibition of Machinery for Wine-making and Bottling and the ninth year of ENOVITIS, the International Exhibition for the Techniques of Wine Growing and Olive Growing, due to be held from 12 to 16 November 2013 at the Fiera-Milano exhibition centre in Rho Pero.

The Theme this year will be sustainability in the wine industry. This will be the focus of SIMEI that is a worldwide reference for Italy's entrepreneurial excellence in the design and production of technologies for the wine industry.

The first event worthy of note, preceding the official opening of the trade fair, is the award ceremony for the "Lucio Mastroberardino" Innovation Challenge scheduled for 11.00 am Tuesday, 12th November in the Martini Room.

This competition is organised by the Unione Italiana Vini - the Italian Wine Union, which is the oldest and most representative association of companies in the Italian wine industry and the organiser of Simei. This year the UIV has attributed the seal of innovation to 23 projects selected by a prestigious Scientific Committee composed of leading international figures from the world of research and industry.

In the early afternoon, at 14.00, again in the Martini Room, the work of the International Conference "Sustainable viticulture and wine production: Steps ahead toward a global and local cross-fertilization" will begin. This is to extend over two days and will be attended by some of the most important members of the scientific community directly involved in the area of ​​sustainability in the wine industry. The highly topical issues discussed will be divided into several sessions of discussion and debate, at the end of which there will be an interactive talk show with the speakers.

On Thursday, 14th November at 10:00 am, the Gemini Room will be hosting the Tergeo Convention, the project headed by the Italian Wine Union on the sustainability of wineries. The results of months of research and in-depth analysis as well as future projects will be presented. In addition, every day the Tergeo project partners will be taking it in turns to present their applications.

The association of Agronomists of the Lombardy Region will be speaking about standards of sustainability in agriculture from 9.30 to 18.00 on 15th November. The issues on the agenda are methods of viticulture in the Gemini Room, cropping systems in the Epsilon Room and balances between the economy and the territory in the Gamma Room.

Finally, on Thursday 14th, Friday 15th and Saturday 16th at 13.00 at the Tergeo Sensory Bar there will be the "Scientific Café”, a modern formula involving interviews to influential institutional representatives. 

At Simei-Enovitis the SensoryBars for the tasting of selected wines and oils

Tasting rooms set up for sensory analysis


Milan, 16 October 2013 – The Accademia dei tuoi Sensi, the sensory education school of Unione Italiana Vini, will set up two SensoryBars during the exhibitions SIMEI-ENOVITIS (Milano Rho-Pero, 12-16 November 2013).

In Hall 15, it will be possible for visitors to taste not only some of the best Italian wines, but also a selection of the most prestigious labels of Italian oils.

Moreover, here it will be also possible to test one's own sensory abilities by simulating the experience of a professional laboratory within the tasting rooms set up for the occasion at the SensoryBar.

In the area dedicated to Tergeo, the project of Unione Italiana Vini aimed to improve the sustainability of wineries, there will be another SensoryBar, available for the tasting of an ample list of wines proposed by the wineries taking part in this project.

At the end of each tasting, the participating visitors will express their evaluation by filling in a questionnaire: the collected data will be analyzed and processed by the Sensory Laboratory of Unione Italiana Vini, which will transfer them to the wineries concerned.

Therefore, the project is interesting for the public that is able to taste real top-of-the-range products, as well as for the wineries, which can receive an immediate feedback about their own products, useful for defining strategies of production and market positioning.

In addition, within the two SensoryBars, the European project “Wine in Moderation” will be promoted, to sensitize young people towards a moderate and clever use of alcoholic drinks by dedicated meetings and sensory paths.

The paradigms of sustainability in agriculture

Convention in Rho Fiera Milano the 15th November


The agronomist professional association of Milan in collaboration with the Italian wine union organizes an opportunity to study and to discuss about the best practices for agriculture competitiveness and compatibility with the environment.

The technological innovation and the knowledge dissemination positively affect the processes rationalization in order to consolidate the productive agriculture capable of combining profitability and environmental sustainability. The agronomist professional organizations of Milan in collaboration with Unione Italiana Vini, the promoter of Simei-Enovitis (the international exhibition of wine sector), organizes the convention “The paradigms of sustainability” aimed at farmers, freelancers, entrepreneurs and researchers. The initiative will be held  the 15th November, from 9:30 to 18, in Fiera Rho Milano and will be divided into six sessions: viticulture (methods), cropping systems, economic and territorial balance, viticulture (technology), livestock systems and landscape. Followed by panel discussion and final debate. The on line registration is free but mandatory to link

Címlapkép: Getty Images
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