Manitou Group at Agritechnica 2013 (En, De)

Agro Napló
Hanover (Germany), 11th November 2013 – From 10 to 16 November 2013, the Manitou group is taking part in the international exhibition on agricultural machinery, Agritechnica. With 33% of its turnover in 2012, Manitou is making particular investments in agriculture, a strategic and demanding market.


The Manitou group at AGRITECHNICA

New in 2013: MLT 960 High-capacity for intensive applications

Manitou Group at a glance…



Die Manitou Group auf AGRITECHNICA

Neuheit 2013: MLT 960 Hohe Kapazitäten für intensive Anwendungen

Manitou Group in Kürze…

Címlapkép: Getty Images
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