Agro Napló
At Enovitis in campo, the conference that will take stock of a real Made in Italy phenomenon. The agriculture councillor for the Veneto Region, Franco Manzato, will also be present.

“PROSECCO DOC and PROSECCO SUPERIORE DOCG: TERRITORY THAT BECOMES STYLE”, this is the title of the conference to be held on the afternoon of 19 June at ENOVITIS IN CAMPO, the event organised by the Unione Italiana Vini and Veronafiere that will show and test the best machinery used by winegrowers directly in the vineyard.

The meeting, inspired and organised by the Corriere Vinicolo, the reference for information on the industry published by the UIV, will begin at 3 p.m. on Thursday, 19 June. Its programme involves producers, associations and institutions that will each make their contribution about how a local phenomenon that has created a new way of drinking Prosecco in Italy and throughout the world is managed, supported and promoted.

The conference will take the form of a talk show. It will be dynamic and interactive and open to everyone on registration. The representatives of some of the key stakeholders in this fascinating and complex topic will be taking part with presentations of the various scenarios followed by an open discussion. The winemakers will of course be there, with representatives of some of the major wineries producing Prosecco, the protection bodies, scientific and economic communities and the authorities represented, for the host region and the home of Prosecco, by Franco Manzano, Councillor to agriculture.

Objective: To present a complete picture of the market by providing current numbers and prospects, illustrating threats and opportunities for Italy and abroad, to then establish the requests for political intervention in such a crucial industry for our economy.

Just a few figures are necessary to understand the extent of the Prosecco phenomenon: 110 million bottles exported around the world, for a value that is close to 300 million Euros, that is 40% of total Italian exports of sparkling wines for 2013.

In 2013, exports were consolidated on the traditional markets, the United Kingdom and the United States. China, the new frontier, doubled its volume of imports of Italian sparkling wines, including Prosecco Doc and Docg wines which represent approximately 35% (Source: Il Corriere Vinicolo).

The success of Prosecco in the world is due to the excellent quality of the product and the ability of producers and consortiums to maintain a strong territorial identity while communicating in an increasingly global market, a challenge that continues to be a priority. The conference will be an important opportunity for all the stakeholders to meet and define the guidelines for the future.

Speakers include Vasco Boatto, Director of Cirve (Interdepartmental Centre for research in viticulture and oenology). Mr Boatto will be explaining the numbers of a vitally important industry for the Italian economy as well as illustrating the production potential, looking at the markets of today and tomorrow.  Gianluca Fregolent for ICQRF Conegliano and Denis Giorgiutti for Valoritalia will be speaking, instead, about production control, while the representatives of the three Consortiums – Armano Serena, Chairman of the Consortium for Wines from the Montello and Asolo hills, Innocente Nardi, Chairman of the Consortium for Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore Docg and Stefano Zanette, Chairman of the Consortium for Prosecco DOC – will be discussing, together with some of the finest producers of the three appellations, strategies to strengthen this exceptional phenomenon. Alfonso Santilli, head of the International Division of the Banca Popolare di Vicenza, has confirmed his attendance and will be outlining the framework of international markets. Domenico Zonin, who will be present as both the Chairman of the Unione Italiana Vini and as a producer, will be introducing the conference together with Ettore Riello, Chairman of Veronafiere.

Save the date: 19 June 2014, 3 p.m. at ENOVITIS IN CAMPO.

Címlapkép: Getty Images
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