One of the reasons for customer satisfaction to this day is the comprehensive long-time availability of strategic replacement parts that is granted by the equippers of animal houses from Lutten. Even 35 years after the product launch of the computer, electronic components like for example boards can be re-ordered without any problems.
The scope of delivery furthermore still includes all service features, even though the system has meanwhile been extended by equipment features like PC interfaces or vehicle weighbridges.
The customers acknowledge this sustainability and know-how from generation to generation with a high degree of attachment to WEDA, - also because the computers are able to control all valves. Still today, smaller software adaptations are available for the Liqui Comp.
“So far, we hardly had to replace components. Practically the entire control of the unit has hardly been changed for more than 30 years“, is the opinion of a customer with regard to the durability of the system. One of the reasons for the sustained product quality is certainly also the fact that already at the time of its development, the feeding computer was based on a modern concept.
Those, however, who have decided for a new WEDA feeding unit in the meantime, admit to a deserving special place of the quality product. A customer underlines, “at our house, the Liqui Comp will now move into a little business museum because one must by no means do away with this item of company history that has accompanied us for such a long time“.
Even 35 years after the product launch of the computer, electroniccomponents like boards can be re-ordered.