A new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change
The European Commission adopted today a new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change, setting out the pathway to prepare for the unavoidable impact...
On the occasion of its Capital Market Days, Continental set out its new strategic program for the Tires business area. “Vision 2030” is focused on the...
The EU should promote forest management models that seek to ensure forests are environmentally, societally and economically sustainable, MEPs said on...
Post 2020 Common Agricultural Policy reform package High level event on World's forests
The Commission launched a public consultation to evaluate and review the rules for state aid in agriculture, rural areas and forestry.
At the conference ‘Our Forests, Our Future', Commissioner Hogan announced a potential initiative to encourage Member States to reach the ambitious env...
21 March is the International Day of Forests, which is celebrated every year to raise awareness of the importance of forests of all types.
Egy franciaországi cég most alapjaiban akarja felforgatni a bőrszektort legújabb ötletével.
Olaszország: gazdatüntetéseket jelentettek be január végére
A Nemzeti Agrárgazdasági Kamara szerint a lépés ellehetetlenítené az EU mezőgazdasági termelését.
Kockázatok és mellékhatások az idei gabonatermesztési szezonban.
Narancssárga figyelmeztetést adtak ki több megyére is csütörtökre ónos eső veszélye miatt.