DEUTZ-FAHR press information:
6 Series and the new CShift transmission class-beating comfort
DEUTZ-FAHR 9 TTV Series, productivity without limits
Work begins on DEUTZ-FAHR LAND
NEW 7250 TTV WARRIOR Powerful radiance in brilliant black
The new DEUTZ-FAHR C7000 combine harvesters productivity and versatility
Grégoire press information:
New GRÉGOIRE G7 & G8 ÉLITE range of self-propelled machines
Lamborghini press information:
Lamborghini Ego The new frontier of compact tractors
Lamborghini Spire mid-range machines with character
Retrospection: SAME press information
SAME Frutteto with independent front axle suspension
The renewed medium range from SAME new Explorer and Dorado
SDF FARMotion press information:
SDF FARMotion, the engine for agriculture