Mechanization: a “quality system” for Asian countries

Agro Napló
During the EIMA Agrimach exhibition, took place the Meeting for the certification of machinery in the Asian area, under the aegis of the United Nations. The Italian Authority for Agricultural Mechanization ENAMA, present in the coordination board of the Asian network, is expanding its activities through an agreement with the Indian Biogas Association for the certification of  energy systems.

The development of agriculture requires an increasingly distribution of mechanical means but also the creation of a system for the assessment of the technical characteristics and certification of the means in terms of performance and safety. In this perspective was held – during EIMA Agrimach, the international exhibition of agricultural mechanization taking place in New Delhi – the second Meeting of the ANTAM, the Asian Network for Testing Agricultural Machines. The Meeting was attended by 17 countries in Asia and the Pacific under the aegis of UN-ESCAP/CSAM (United Nation Social and Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific) and led to the approval, yesterday, of the first two Codes that harmonize certification procedures between member countries.

Within this event a relevant role was assumed by ENAMA, the Italian Authority for Agricultural Mechanization, present in the Meeting Advisory Panel together with OECD, UNIDO and FAO and designated to carry out the function of Technical Reference Unit for all the activities of the Asian network. Through ENAMA, Italy has an active part in the system of certification for the 17 Asian countries, launched by EIMA Agrimach itself. Besides being part of the network, ENAMA attends the New Delhi exhibition with other initiatives aimed at the development of agriculture and  qualification of agricultural machines: at the stand of the Authority are in fact available detailed information on the certification and validation services of agricultural machinery, plants for energy and solid fuels. Today was signed the agreement with the Indian Biogas Association, to enable the development of a cooperation between Italian and Indian businesses and expand the certification activities. All this strenghtens the presence of ENAMA in Asia and lays the foundation for new and interesting opportunities of collaboration in the countries of this vast and dynamic area of the world.

Címlapkép: Getty Images
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