The giants of the BvL V-MIX series towering over BvL employees. The staff members give the image scale, illustrating the enormous size of the machines. |
This August witnessed yet another completion: BvL manufactured no fewer than three gi-ant V-MIX mixer wagons. This was no small feat given that production in-volved two 46 m³ mixers and one 30 m³ mixer wagon at the same time. "While we often manufacture mixer wagons with capacities exceeding 30 m³, we certainly do not complete two 46 m³ mixer wagons every day", says Mr. van Lengerich, Managing Director of BvL. These larger machines are often destined for export to countries such as Russia or Denmark, explains Marina Friesen, export coordinator for Eastern European countries at BvL.
The three machines that were completed at the end of August are all intended for the Russian market, Friesen continues. The machines were manufactured for Russia's largest dairy producer Agroholding Ekonvia: According to Friesen, operations of this magnitude simply need large machines of this size.
The V-MIX Plus 46-3S headed to Russia. |
The V-MIX Giant 46-3S mixer wagons come standard with BvL's Powershift gearbox which allows for smooth and effortless switching operations under load. For the first time, the V-Mix Plus 30-3S is equipped with a pendulum tandem axle system. This tandem axle allows for easier driving on unpaved roadways and slopes.