2024. szeptember 1. vasárnap Egyed, Egon

An all-rounder in the compact class

Agro Napló
Following the example of the KT256, the KT276 has now been further developed and optimised. A new engine, an increased payload and numerous features make the telehandler a real all-rounder in the compact class.

Kramer's KT276 telehandler is the successor to the successful KT256 model which has been built in Pfullendorf since 2012. As a compact model featuring a vehicle width and height below the two-metre limit, the KT276 is not only of interest to the agricultural target group but also other customer groups.

The Kohler engine model KDI 2504 TCR with 55.4 kW power output is new and meets the requirements of the exhaust emission level 3B. The payload has now increased to 2.7 tonnes compared to the previous model. The maximum lift height, however, remains unchanged.

In addition to the engine changes and the increased payload, additional improvements have been incorporated into the design and development of the KT276. The new hydraulic system with 90 l/min of discharge volume, electro-hydraulic pilot control and load-independent flow distribution LUDV allows for a characteristic of the work functions similar to load sensing hydraulics. One highlight is the new generation of “Smart Handling” overload regulation – now with three operating modes (bucket, forklift, and manual mode). The new “Smart Handling” is a true driver assistance system, which ensures fatigue-free operation for the operator in all work applications.

Two cab heights can be selected to match the field of application of the telehandlers: either a height of just 1.98 m for maximum compactness or an overall height of 2.10 m for improved all-round visibility. The efficiency of the work processes has been further improved with new power options such as automatic bucket return, variable oil volume, or LED working spotlights.

The new machines also feature special options for agriculture (e.g. the three-point support at the rear of the telehandler). This is also available in connection with a hydraulic PTO shaft. Further examples include the hydraulic reversing fan as well as pressure relief of the third control circuit from the outside, which make it easy to replace hydraulic attachments while the engine is running.

Címlapkép: Getty Images
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AgroNapló  |  2024. augusztus 31. 13:27