The guidelines will help national authorities to determine whether a company is breaking EU laws when selling products of dual quality in different countries.
More information via below link.
The guidelines will help national authorities to determine whether a company is breaking EU laws when selling products of dual quality in different countries.
More information via below link.
The Commission authorised the marketing of house crickets (Acheta domesticus) as novel food in the EU.
The EU agri-food promotion policy is effective and efficient in supporting the policy's objectives.
Since his State of the Union Address in 2017, President Jean-Claude Juncker has been committed to addressing the issue of dual quality of products.
Each year around 20% of food produced in the EU is lost or wasted, causing unacceptable social, environmental and economic harm. The European commissi...
The ceiling for national support to farmers will rise from €15,000 to €25,000 allowing greater flexibility and efficiency, notably in times of crisis...
New opportunities to arise for the European plant protein market, suggests a study published by the European Commission today. The study concludes tha...
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