A rainbow of colored eggs from Conifer, Co. wins the Purina® Flock-Tober® Fresh Egg Face-Off

Agro Napló
The grand prize winner of the Purina® Flock-Tober® Fresh Egg Face-Off is Renee Woods of Conifer, Colorado.

Renee wins the title of “Purina's Fresh Eggs of the Year” after facing off against hundreds of entries to claim the prize. The contest celebrated the many facets and benefits that make farm fresh eggs exciting – unique colors, clever uses and community impact.

Renee initially won the category of Most Colorful Farm Fresh Eggs with a photo of colorful eggs representing her diverse backyard flock. The photo features a rainbow of eggs, from left to right in her photo: White Leghorn, Buff Orpington, Ameraucana, Blue Andalusian, Black Cooper Marans, Olive Egger, Salmon Favorelle, Light Brown Leghorn, Blue Cooper Marans, Easter Egger and Plymouth Barred Rock.

As the winner, Renee will receive a year's supply of chicken feed for her unique flock. She says the prize will help her continue to donate eggs to her local food pantry in Denver. Click here to watch the egg-citement as Renee shares the news with her flock that they won the title of Purina's Fresh Eggs of the Year!

The two finalists that competed with Renee in the Flock-Tober® Fresh Egg Face-Off were:

  • Most Useful Eggs - Lisa Bonser of Jasper, Mo.
  • Most Impactful Eggs - Cathrynn Hager of Stamping Ground, Ky.

Although the Flock-Tober® fun has officially drawn to a close, backyard flock raisers can continue their excitement for farm fresh eggs all year long by connecting with Purina Poultry on Facebook or Pinterest, or visiting purinamills.com/chicken-feed.

Címlapkép: Getty Images
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