Full text available on EUROSTAT website
Via europa.eu
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has significantly disturbed global agricultural markets in 2022. Russia and Ukraine had been major exporters of grains...
EU trade with Ukraine has been strongly affected since the start of Russia's invasion, with an initial strong disruption recorded between February and...
Eurostat has released an interactive tool that shows the price changes of food across the supply chain.
In 2021, agricultural output in the EU was valued at €449.5 billion (bn) in basic prices, representing an increase of 8% compared with 2020. This chan...
Between 2011 and 2020, sales of pesticides in the EU remained relatively stable with the total volume sold annually fluctuating ± 6% around the 350 00...
Among the EU Member States, the Netherlands recorded the highest purchase price for one hectare of arable land in the EU (on average €69 632 in 2019)....
A saját hatáskörben megtermelhető élelmiszer szavatolja az európaiak biztonságát a francia elnök szerint.
Természetjárás során bárki találkozhat a fák tövében megbúvó, mesevilágot idéző apró víztestekkel.
Egy energiaitalban 9,5, a kólában 9, a „dobozos” tejeskávéban pedig több mint 7 kockacukornyi cukor van.
A gleccserolvadás 18 milliméterrel növelte a tengerszint globális emelkedését 2000-2023 között.
Széleskörű lakossági tájékoztatási programot indít a Parkerdő egy budapesti erdőért.