2025. március 5. szerda Adorján, Adrián

President von der Leyen's State of the Union Address: charting the course out of the coronavirus crisis and into the future

Agro Napló
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen today mapped out in her first annual State of the Union Address to the European Parliament a path for the European Union to overcome the fragility laid bare by the coronavirus crisis and build a union of vitality. 

The President stressed that with NextGenerationEU, Europe has a once in a lifetime opportunity to make change happen by design, and not by disaster or by diktat from others. She added that Europe has everything it needs to make this happen: It has the vision, the plan, the investment.

The Address is available online in EnglishFrench and German, and will be available in all EU languages shortly.

More information is available on the dedicated webpage, a press release and a factsheet summarising the main initiatives put forward in the 2020 State of the Union Address.

Learn more about how the von der Leyen Commission has delivered on its commitments during the first year in office here.

Címlapkép: Getty Images
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AgroNapló  |  2025. március 5. 16:28