2025. február 22. szombat Gerzson

Europeans, Agriculture and the CAP: report, summaries and country factsheets now available!

Agro Napló
You can consult now the report, summaries and country factsheets of the Special Eurobarometer 504 - Europeans, Agriculture and the CAP!

Since 2007, the European Commission has undertaken frequent Eurobarometer surveys on the subject of EU citizens, agriculture and the CAP. The Commission uses these surveys to chart public perceptions of agriculture, forestry and rural areas in the EU.

The most recent survey was carried out between August and September 2020, taking in over 27,200 responses from citizens across all EU countries.

Importance of agriculture and rural areas:

According to the Eurobarometer, 95% of citizens believe that agriculture and rural areas are important for our future; over half of those surveyed (56%) believe they are highly important.

A policy that benefits all citizens:

EU citizens have become increasingly aware of the CAP: 73% knew of the policy in 2020, compared to 67% in 2017. Over three quarters of Europeans believe that the CAP benefits all citizens, not only farmers (76% today, compared to 61% in 2017).

Performance, priorities, and achievements:

More Europeans think that the EU is fulfilling its role regarding the key priorities of the CAP. Compared with 2017, the perception of the CAP's performance in all areas – including food security, food safety and quality, and sustainability- has improved by at least 5 percentage points.

Food security, safety, and quality

According to the Eurobarometer survey, 92% of EU citizens believe that securing a stable supply of food for the EU is an important priority; 62% of survey participnts believed that ensuring the production of safe, healthy food of high quality should be the CAP's main objective.

When it comes to purchasing food, the survey revealed:

  • EU citizens value short supply chains – 87% of those surveyed regarded this as important factor when it came to purchasing their food. Citizens also consider it important that their food is produced in a manner that respects local tradition and ‘know-how' (87%), and comes from a geographical area that they know (81%).
  • Although 81% consider it important that their food bears a label that guarantees quality, awareness of EU quality labels have remained relatively low, at between 14-20%. The Commission continues to promote its quality schemes, e.g., through the inspired by GIs recipe campaign.
  • More citizens are now aware of the EU's organic farming logo, with 56% of respondents recognising the logo, an increase of 29% compared to 2017. Citizens believe that organic products are more likely to comply with specific rules on pesticides, fertilisers, and antibiotics (82% agreed), are more environmentally friendly (81%), and are produced with higher respect for animal welfare (80%).


Read more about the Eurobarometer survey on the CAP via the link below.

Címlapkép: Getty Images
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