2025. március 5. szerda Adorján, Adrián

Commission funds 72 projects with €1 billion to boost the EU's green recovery

Agro Napló
The European Commission has selected 72 research and innovation projects for funding under the European Green Deal Call. These projects are to contribute to the EU's response to the climate crisis and help protect Europe's unique ecosystems and biodiversity.

The 72 proposals selected involve almost 1800 participants from the research community, the public and private sectors, and civil society organisations. Grants are expected to be signed by September 2021, following the verification and grant agreement preparation stage.

Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth said:

The European Green Deal call managed to mobilise the research community, the private sector and other actors that are active in the areas of the European Green Deal. The research teams selected for funding possess the European excellence we need to find breakthrough solutions that can turn green challenges into innovation opportunities.

The 72 selected projects are expected to provide tangible and visible solutions in the following areas of the European Green Deal:

  • Increasing climate ambition
  • Clean, affordable and secure energy
  • Industry for a clean and circular economy
  • Energy and resource efficient buildings
  • Sustainable and smart mobility
  • Farm to fork
  • Biodiversity and ecosystems
  • Zero-pollution, toxic-free environments
  • ...

    More information available via below link.

    Címlapkép: Getty Images
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