This is the last price rise for the current year, driven by continuous increases along the entire value chain in all markets.
Specific details will be communicated directly to customers by company representatives in each market
This is the last price rise for the current year, driven by continuous increases along the entire value chain in all markets.
Specific details will be communicated directly to customers by company representatives in each market
Effective from April 2022, Trelleborg Wheel Systems has announced price increases up to 15% on all brands and segments globally.
Trelleborg Wheel Systems has added a new Innovation Area to the Virtual Showroom it successfully launched in March 2021.
Effective September 2021, Mitas has announced price increases up to 5% on all segments.
Trelleborg Wheel Systems is increasing tire prices globally by up to 8%.
The Trelleborg TM1000 ProgressiveTraction® tire was crowned “Best Agricultural Tire” in the Spanish market in 2021 at the Tire of the Year Awards, org...
On September 27th, 2020, Trelleborg Wheel Systems won two awards at the 2019 China Farm Machinery Annual TOP50+ held in Beijing. The “Excellent Manage...
Egymás után jelentik be az országok a válaszlépéseket Trump vámjaira - áremelkedés és piaci zavar lehet a vége.
A madárinfluenza világszerte súlyos problémákat okoz, nálunk a forintgyengülés is hozzátett az elmúlt évek áremelkedéséhez.
A hagyományos növénytermesztésről lemondó farmerek számára ez a megoldás jövedelmezőbbnek bizonyul.
Az ország az elmúlt években jelentősen csökkentette függőségét az amerikai mezőgazdasági importtól.
Az aszály mellett a szomszédban dúló háborúval, az új uniós költségvetési ciklussal és az ukrán importtal is foglalkozni kellett.