Wine: Focus on robotics and green products at Enovitis in Campo, from 23 to 24 June at Ca' Bolani (UD)

Agro Napló
It will be a fair in the vineyard entirely dedicated to the vineyard and to a market – the Italian agriculture and viticulture machinery market – worth almost 1 billion euros in exports, thanks to an ever-increasing level of automation. This year, Enovitis in Campo is preparing to host 160 exhibitors representing all the main product categories related to the cultivation of the vineyard and will be held on 23 and 24 June at Ca 'Bolani Winery in Cervignano del Friuli.

The green field will be of particular importance – with the new feature of the organic demonstration vineyard in collaboration with FederBio Servizi – and the focus on innovation and robotics for an increasingly precise and less impacting cultivation of the vine.

"The Italian leadership in the field of wine-making and viticulture is also reflected in its machinery – said the general secretary of Unione Italiana Vini, Paolo Castelletti -. A sector that in the last 2 years has seen its export market grow by about 1/3, thanks also to a very strong acceleration in the last year (+25%). At Enovitis in Campo, all the news from a healthy sector whose development in technological research is among the most remarkable in the world".

Sprayers, tillers, trimmers but above all small and low power tractors made in Italy (where the turnover of the viticulture sector accounts for about 40%-50% of the total), last year recorded a real commercial boom abroad, starting from the EU markets that represent over 70% of foreign sales. France, with a growth trend in orders in 2021 of over 36% and a turnover of 144 million euros, is confirmed as the first market in the world as regards the demand for Italian tractors with power from 37Kw to 75 Kw, followed by Germany (+24%), Spain (+55%) and Austria (+49%). Among the top increases, Slovenia (+111%) doubled its orders while in non-EU countries, market growth was confirmed in South Africa (+46%), Chile (+84%) and Israel (+63%). The trend in US demand remained stable.

At Ca' Bolani there will also be space for robotics applied to viticulture with the themed area "Robot & Automation". Technological progress has made it possible to develop machines and equipment capable not only of carrying out several operations at the same time and transmitting the data obtained, but also of relating to the vineyard autonomously. Robots, therefore, that complete their

tasks without requiring human support. Different purposes of the machinery that will be presented at Enovitis, from canopy management to soil management, including pesticide treatments carried out with electrically powered sprayers and innovative technologies using germicidal ultraviolet rays.

Ca' Bolani Winery, which belongs to the Zonin1821 Group, is the most important vineyard area in Northern Italy with a total area of 890 hectares, of which about 570 are vineyards. The ideal place to host the Fair and an example of an extraordinary biodiversity of the landscape, where vines and nature thrive in perfect harmony. Entering Ca' Bolani is like crossing a vineyard park comprising an extraordinary mosaic of over 10 varieties of both native and international vines.

Címlapkép: Getty Images
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