EuroTier 2022: World-leading livestock trade fair: showcasing international solutions with professional technical program

Agro Napló
From 15 to 18 November in Hanover, Germany – accompanying digital program launched October 2022 – High visitor interest four months before start of trade fair – Around 1,600 exhibitors from 55 countries expected – International technical program guided by theme "Transforming Animal Farming" – Exhibitor database now online – Partner trade fair: EnergyDecentral (DLG).

As a world-leading trade fair for professional animal husbandry and livestock management, EuroTier 2022 will kick off with an attractive exhibition portfolio and technical program, featuring numerous market leaders and leading industry experts. Around 1,600 exhibitors from 55 countries will be presenting their innovations, products and services at the leading international livestock venue from 15 to 18 November, Hanover, Germany.

According to the latest EuroTier and EnergyDecentral Visitor Tracker survey, interest among potential visitors is currently very high. Some 98 percent of the national and international farmers surveyed are currently planning to visit EuroTier 2022, with 62 percent already certain that they will attend in Hanover. With spotlights, expert forums, conferences and industry events, the technical program focuses on "Transforming Animal Farming". Part of the program will be held as digital events, starting in October on, a digital knowledge-sharing platform launched and developed by DLG (German Agricultural Society), EuroTier's organizer. The EnergyDecentral trade fair, to be held in parallel, will focus on the possibilities of decentralized energy generation in the current energy debate.

With around 1,600 expected exhibitors, 13 halls and some 240,000 square meters of exhibition space, as well as a high quality international technical program, EuroTier will once again be the highlight of the international livestock industry in mid-November, attracting an international and professional audience to this world-leading trade fair for animal farming and livestock management.

"With exhibitors from 55 countries, including numerous market leaders, and our international event and congress program with its long-running EuroTier features such as the TopTierTreff alongside a new start-up exhibition area 'DLG-AgrifutureLab' as well as the EnergyDecentral trade fair, EuroTier will be setting standards in terms of product and topic diversity. In short, EuroTier is the international industry platform and network of professional exchange," says Ines Rathke, EuroTier project manager, DLG.

International industry get-together: Exhibitor database online

Numerous market leaders, both national and international, as well as young innovative companies and start-ups, are represented at EuroTier. National pavilions from Denmark, Finland, France, the United Kingdom, South Korea and the USA, among others, reflect the international character of the trade fair.

Companies already registered for EuroTier 2022 include:

365 Farmnet, ADM, AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG, Alivira, Amandus Kahl, B. Strautmann & Söhne, BASF, BHZP, Bauer, Big Dutchman, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bundesverband Rind und Schwein, Buschhoff, CGM Impianti, CJ Europe, CLAAS, Cooperl, CPM, Dacs, Danbred, Danish Pig Genetics, Denkavit, Delgado, DSM, Evonik, Faresin, Farmermobil, Fliegl, Förster-Technik, Gaun, GEA, GGI-SPERMEX, Gummiwerk KRAIBURG, Hartmann, Holm&Laue, Holmer, Hotraco, Innov Ad, JCB, JOSKIN, JOURDAIN, Kramer, Krampe, Kromschroeder, KUHN, Lely Deutschland, Lucas, LUBING, Meier-Brakenburg, MASTERRIND, Mayo, Merlo, Meyer-Lohne, Manitou, Merlo, MIAVIT, Möller, Munters, Neuero, NHU, Oehler, Ottevanger, Patura, Provimi, Rotecna, Rudolf Hörmann, Schäffer, SCHAUER, Schaumann, Secco, Semex, Sieplo, Sgariboldi, SILOKING, Suevia Haiges, Steiner Automotion, Storti, Strautmann, Systel, Tatoma, Topics, Trioliet, Tuffigo, Urban, Vogelsang, Vostermans, Vredo, Veys Pharma, WEDA, Wasserbauer, Weidemann, Wolf System, Zago, Zentralverband der Deutschen Geflügelwirtschaft, Zimmermann, Ziehl-Abegg, ZUNHAMMER

"Transforming Animal Farming" - International technical program

"Transforming Animal Farming" - the guiding theme of EuroTier 2022 - gets to the heart of the matter: production and value chains are currently undergoing a transformation. The direction of travel for pig, cattle and poultry producers will be shown by this world leading trade fair for professional livestock farming in its technical program at the trade fair in Hanover and on the DLG Connect digital platform.

  • DLG Spotlight: Integrated farm concepts (Hall 26)

Future husbandry concepts must be designed with animal welfare, the environment, the climate and the consumer in mind while maintaining competitiveness. International experts, who have been tackling this complex task, will be presenting integrated animal housing concepts for sows, piglets, finishing pigs as well as dairy cows and pullets.

  • DLG Spotlight: Feed for Future (Hall 21)

Feed formulations are constantly evolving and at the same time new feedstuffs and feeding processes are developed, improving animal welfare or reducing nutrient surpluses to enable environmentally friendly use. Leading companies from the international feed industry will present innovative feedstuffs, feed processes and formulations. These include novel protein sources from algae and insects, which are currently available as alternatives for protein supply.

  • DLG Spotlight: Direct farm sales (Hall 26)

Products from one's own region with traceable origin and freshness are important reasons why many people decide to buy agricultural products "directly from the farmer" for example in a farm shop. On-farm processing and retailing are therefore becoming attractive to more and more agricultural businesses and farms. The direct farm sales feature is a first at EuroTier and is part of a DLG Spotlight presenting sales technical solutions, products and services as well as current marketing strategies in best-practice examples.

  • DLG Spotlight: Aquaculture Lounge (Hall 21)

What potential for alternative raw material sources does ‘growth in water' offer? For feed, food and energy, what innovations are available? The "Aquaculture Lounge" invites visitors to discover the opportunities in the production of fish, mussels, crayfish and aquatic plants. DLG and the ‘"Bioeconomy at Marine Sites (BaMS)" coordinated by Kiel University will be create the space for an international venue.

  •  Network Focus on Animal Welfare (Hall 26)

In Germany, the project "Netzwerk Fokus Tierwohl" (Network Focus on Animal Welfare), which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), aims to strengthen livestock farming for the long-term. Presented at EuroTier 2022, the feature will be answering questions on current animal welfare issues. In the poultry sector, these include managing non-beak-trimmed laying hens and the improvement of the housing environment. In the dairy sector, animal welfare experts will provide information on topics such as calf rearing with mother cows, feeding and walking areas. For pig producers, the feature will explore alternative farrowing systems, animal housing concepts for sow management and rearing piglets, and experiences with the anesthesia isoflurane.

  • TopTierTreff - International venue for ‘Top Genetics' (Hall 11)

A must for national and international cattle breeders is the TopTierTreff where leading breeding companies and organizations from the dairy and beef cattle sectors present live animals. In addition, specialist visitors can inspect national and international sheep and goat breeds. Breeding animals and offspring of the various dairy breeds will be presented several times a day with live commentary by experts. A specialist program on breeding issues and dairy and meat production will round off the event.

  • Forum events with interactive discussions

Taking part in the forums in EuroTier's technical program are an opportunity for interactive discussions with national and and international experts, mostly in English. In the “DLG Pig & Poultry" forum (Hall 17), participants will together provide answers to the question: Does it make more sense under the current conditions to continue to specialize or to diversify? This question is particularly relevant for pig farms in the export-oriented countries of Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark. 

At the “DLG-Forum Dairy & Cattle” (Hall 12), recognized experts will comment on current issues in milk production and cattle farming. In the dairy exporting countries in particular, the trend is toward process optimization through automation and digitalization. In Europe, the focus is on animal welfare, sustainability, climate protection and transparency in the process chain. Globally, there is a trend toward greater efficiency, animal health and the associated higher product quality. 

  • Industry events and congresses 

EuroTier is also a platform for numerous industry events and congresses. These include the “Cattle & Pig Event”, “International Poultry Conference”, the Animal Health Event and the DLG Talks Tier (Hall 26) (English: “DLG Talks Animals”) on the topics of food security, climate change, animal welfare and sustainability. 

In addition, the German Association of Practicing Veterinarians (bpt) will hold its annual congress at EuroTier “the bpt Congress” expected to be attended by more than 2,500 veterinarians. The bpt also hosts its veterinary trade fair “bpt-Fachmesse Veterinärmedizin” (English: "Veterinary Medicine") at EuroTier 2022.

Partner trade fair EnergyDecentral focuses on current energy discussion

The EnergyDecentral trade fair has established itself as the leading platform for decentralized energy supply, mapping the entire value chain of sustainable and independent energy production: Resources - Energy Production - Smart Energy. In the current debate about the scarcity of energy resources, the topic of decentralized energy production is moving onto the current agenda of business and politics ever more urgently. With its competence and exhibition focus on biogas, solid biofuels, photovoltaics, wind power, CHP technology and "power-to-gas" solutions, the EnergyDecentral trade fair will present practical solutions on how to shape the energy transition with decentralized energy sources.

 Professional partners of EuroTier and EnergyDecentral

The professional partners of the world's leading trade fairs include the German Association of Practicing Veterinarians (bpt - the German Federal Association of Practicing Veterinarians); The German Livestock Association (BRS- Der Bundesverband Rind und Schwein); Deutscher Verband Tiernahrung (DVT - German Association of Animal Nutrition); German Biogas Association (Fachverband Biogas; Innovationsraum Bioökonomie auf Marinen Standorten (The Bioeconomy Innovation Space at Marine Sites); ISN - Interessengemeinschaft der Schweinehalter Deutschlands (ISN represents the interests of the market-oriented and specialized pig farmers in Germany); European Pig Producers (EPP); European Poultry Club; European Dairy Farmers (EDF); VDMA Power Systems; the Verband der Landwirtschaftskammern (VLK- German Chambers of Agriculture (VLK) and the AG der Landesanstalten und Landesämter für Landwirtschaft; and the German Poultry Association (ZDG -Zentralverband der deutschen Geflügelwirtschaft).

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