DLG Agri Influencer Award - #AIADLG22

Agro Napló
Many farmers post reports about their lives and their work on the internet. They take their audience along with them to their fields, stables, forests, on their machines, to market, and to their office or their dining table. They show, explain, express their opinion, share joy and sorrow, and also provide entertainment.

We have a say as well! We don't simply let others talk about us!

With our award, we would like to pay tribute to the best agricultural blogs and profiles in the social media and therefore present them to a wider public. By no means least, the award is also aimed at helping to bring people committed to agriculture on the internet together, to encourage them and, ideally, also to motivate others to engage in digital public relations work.

One award – three categories!

The DLG Agri Influencer Award 2022 will be presented in three categories:

  • DLG Best Agri Influencer
    This is aimed at all farmers or farms who maintain a profile with agricultural content in the social media and have at least 4,000 followers on their main profile.
  • DLG Best Agri Blogger
    This is aimed at all farmers or farms who maintain their own blog with agricultural content.
  • DLG Best Agri Newcomer
    This is aimed at all farmers or farms who started their blog or their social media profile with agricultural content in 2022.
  • What is important to us

    • In presenting the awards, we will not only be paying attention to range, but also to the quality of the content and the creativeness of the profile.
    • Which topics are addressed?
    • How are the topics implemented in text and images?
    • Is the diversity of agriculture made clear?
    • How balanced is the content?
    • How does interaction with the community take place?
    • Are various social media channels used?

    How it works

  • Apply here by Monday, 3 October 2022: Apply here
  • The DLG AIA team will review all applications and draw up a long list per category.
  • The jury will meet and select three candidates from the long list for the shortlists. The jury is made up of DLG representatives, media representatives, communication experts and agricultural experts.
  • All nine of the candidates on the shortlist will be notified on Monday, 24 October 2022 and invited to the award ceremony.
  • The award ceremony will take place on Thursday, 17 November 2022 as part of EuroTier at Hanover Fairground.
  • What you can win

    • All nine of the candidates on the shortlist will be invited to the award ceremony by us. This means that you will travel to Hanover at our expense, will be given a day ticket for EuroTier and get to spend the night in an hotel if necessary.
    • All nine of the shortlisted candidates will additionally receive a certificate.
    • The three winners per category will also be presented with the award.
    • The award will be the subject to extensive press and public relations work, in which the nine shortlisted candidates will feature prominently.

    And now: off you go and apply!

    Apply now!

    Prize award criteria

    Please also share our award on your channels – it would be great if the entire agricultural community finds out about it!

    Do you have any further questions? Contact aia@DLG.org

    Címlapkép: Getty Images
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