Food price inflation: interactive visualisation tool

Food price inflation: interactive visualisation tool

Agro Napló2023. január 28. 18:33

Eurostat has released an interactive tool that shows the price changes of food across the supply chain. 

It offers a range of functionalities to customise the data selection: 

  • Trend lines for 26 distinct food items, such as bread or meat. Up to seven distinct food items can be compared on the same graph. 
  • Country selection to show one or several EU Member States and EFTA countries, together with the Euro area and the European Union.
  • Index selection to compare food price changes across one or several types of indices along the food supply chain: 
  • Different statistical units: 
    • Index with 2015=100
    • Percentage change compared with the same month of the previous year
  • Customisable time series.
  • Access to the underlying source dataset for each indicator to download data.
  • Ability to share the tool or customised interactive graphs on social media. 

Users can select up to seven countries, food items, or the four types of indices to compare across time.

Discover the food price monitoring tool now by selecting different countries, food items, or indices to explore how food prices have changed over the years:

eurostat, european union, food price, inflation, interactive tool,