Signature of a partnership agreement with EcoVadis
Manitou Group, the worldwide reference for handling, aerial lift platforms and earthmoving, has announced the signature of a partnership agreement wit...
Manitou Group, the worldwide reference for handling, aerial lift platforms and earthmoving, has announced the signature of a partnership agreement wit...
The European Commission is inviting stakeholders such as primary producers, processors, manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and input providers to s...
Today, the EU and China concluded the negotiations on a bilateral agreement to protect 100 European Geographical Indications (GI) in China and 100 Chi...
Sumitomo Chemical and Nufarm Limited announced today that both companies have signed an agreement on the novel fungicide compound ‘metyltetraprole,' f...
New Holland Agriculture and The Climate Corporation, a subsidiary of Monsanto Company (NYSE: MON), announced today a new partnership that will extend...
The European Union and Chile have signed their agreement on trade in organic products reached last year.
Today, the European Parliament voted in favour of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada, concluding the rati...
The European Commission published today nine initial European proposals for the trade agreement under negotiation with Indonesia. Together with the pr...
Topcon Agriculture and SDF plan to enter into a non-exclusive long-term partnership agreement. This latest arrangement of Topcon with a major OEM is d...
European Commission adopts ‘Partnership Agreement' with Finland on using EU Structural and Investment Funds for growth and jobs in 2014-2020
The European Commission has adopted a "Partnership Agreement" with the Czech Republic setting down the strategy for the optimal use of European Struct...
Vasárnap a minimum-hőmérséklet általában mínusz 6 és 0 fok között alakul majd Magyarországon.
Szajkókkal dolgoznak a Pilisi Parkerdő munkatársai Budapest és környékének városi erdeiben.
Kiemelt prioritásként kezelik a hatóanyagok engedélyezési folyamatának egyszerűsítését itthon.
Az Európai Bizottság megerősítette, hogy véglegesíti azon amerikai termékek listáját, amelyekre importvámokat fog kivetni.
Éjszaka nyugat felől újabb csapadékzóna érkezik, melyből valahol havazásra, néhol pedig havas esőre is lehet számítani.