EU agri-food trade off to a good start in 2023
EU agri-food exports and imports remained strong in January 2023 compared to January 2022 reaching a total of €31.8 billion, while declining for the s...
EU agri-food exports and imports remained strong in January 2023 compared to January 2022 reaching a total of €31.8 billion, while declining for the s...
Looking back at the year 2022, the latest monitoring report published by the European Commission shows that EU agri-food trade totaled €401.5 billion...
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has significantly disturbed global agricultural markets in 2022. Russia and Ukraine had been major exporters of grains...
The monthly EU trade flows of agricultural and food products reached a record value of €36.5 billion in October 2022.
Both EU agri-food exports and imports slowed down very slightly in value terms in July 2022, according to the latest monthly agri-food trade report pu...
Meeting in Luxembourg on 17 October, EU Agriculture Ministers reached a political agreement on 2023 catch limits in the Baltic Sea. Ministers also dis...
The latest EU agri-food trade figures show that the total value of EU agri-food trade reached a value of €31.4 billion in April 2022, a 14% increase o...
As part of the EU's solidarity response with Ukraine, the Commission today presented a set of actions to help Ukraine export its agricultural produce....
The total value of EU agri-food trade (exports plus imports) for January-October 2021 reached a value of €268.1 billion, a 6% increase compared to the...
The total value of EU agri-food trade (exports plus imports) for January-August 2021 reached a value of €210.5 billion, reflecting a 5.1% increase on...
The latest monthly agri-food trade report released today shows that despite a slow first quarter, the total value of EU agri-food trade (exports plus...
2020 marked another improvement in the EU's leading position among the world's biggest exporters of agri-food products. On the import side, the EU has...
With a slow start at the beginning of the year, EU agri-food trade in January-March 2021 (exports plus imports) reached a value of €75.8 billion, 4% l...
In January 2021, EU agri-food exports decreased by 11% compared to January 2020, reaching a total value of €13.5 billion.
Over the course of 2020, the value of EU agri-food exports increased to €184.3 billion (a growth of 1.4% compared to 2019), while the value of imports...
The first 2021 edition of the short-term outlook for EU agricultural markets concludes that the EU agricultural sector showed resilience throughout th...
The European Union and the United States have concluded negotiations to adjust the European Union's World Trade Organisation (WTO) agricultural quotas...
The latest monthly agri-food trade report released today shows stability in January-November 2020, despite challenges from the coronavirus pandemic.
The latest monthly report on agri-food trade published today shows a sustained growth over January-October 2020. EU exports reached €151.8 billion, an...
Despite the economic crisis sparked by the COVID-19 and uncertainties related to Brexit, EU27 agri-food trade continued to grow in the first six month...
Napjainkban egyre ritkábban találkozni igazi fateknőkkel, amelyekben annak idején például disznóvágáskor a kolbászt keverték, a húst sózták.
A Nébih figyelmezteti a biomassza-kereskedőket, biomassza-feldolgozókat és az üzemanyag-forgalmazókat.
Égető szükség van termelési hatékonyság és a versenyképesség növelésére, valamint a talaj állapotának javítására.
A tölgyerdők nagy természeti tőkét jelentenek: szerepük van a faanyagellátásban, a biodiverzitás megőrzésében és a rekreáció biztosításában.
Megnyitja kapuit Európa egyik legnagyobb mezőgazdasági szakkiállítása, a kilenc napig tartó, neves Salon d'Agriculture.