Latest figures show that EU agri-food exports started 2017 at high level
The monthly value of EU agri-food exports in January 2017 reached a level of €10.3 billion, which is almost €1 billion higher than in January 2016, ac...
The monthly value of EU agri-food exports in January 2017 reached a level of €10.3 billion, which is almost €1 billion higher than in January 2016, ac...
Trade agreements have helped to boost EU agricultural exports and have supported jobs in the agri-food sector and other sectors of the economy, accord...
The monthly value of EU agri-food exports in November 2016 reached a new record level of €11.7 billion, which is € 813 million higher than in November...
For the 12-months period November 2015 to October 2016, EU agri-food exports reached a value of €129.9 billion, corresponding to an increase by 1.9% i...
Economic study gives valuable information on potential effects of future trade agreements and validates current EU approach of systematically protecti...
The monthly value of EU agri-food exports in September 2016 reached a record value of almost €11.5 billion exceeding the export values in September of...
The recently agreed Free Trade Agreement between the EU and Vietnam is expected to enter into force in early 2018, but both sides have signalled willi...
The Mexican market is now open for fresh pigmeat from Spain, with a number of other EU Member States expected to follow in the coming months.
Phil Hogan, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, is visiting China and Japan (see programme) in the coming days accompanied by a busine...
Nem áll meg a drágulás, november közepén tovább emelkedett a burgonya ára Lengyelországban.
A havazás és a viharos szél miatt több vármegyére is elsőfokú figyelmeztetést adtak ki.
Az éjszaka során a fél országban elkezdett szakadni a hó, komoly gondokat okozva ezzel a közlekedésben és az infrastruktúrában.
Becslések szerint a mezőgazdaságban eddig keletkezett kár óriási, meghaladja a 80 milliárd dollárt.
Általában erősen felhős vagy borult idő várható, majd a délután északnyugat felől vékonyodik, szakadozik, csökken a felhőzet, de a keleti megyékben akár estig felhős maradhat az ég