Fairness in the food supply chain: Commission proposes to increase price transparency
Having banned unfair trading practices and improved producer cooperation, the Commission is today presenting the third element to improve fairness in...
Having banned unfair trading practices and improved producer cooperation, the Commission is today presenting the third element to improve fairness in...
The European Parliament, the Council and the Commission reached today a political agreement on a new set of rules that will ensure protection of 100%...
We don't always think about where our food comes from, and if we do we rarely imagine the different steps taken to get to the end product, ready for c...
A sample of representative stakeholders reacted by a large majority in favour of an EU approach to address the functioning of the food supply chain.
The Commission will consider the report's recommendations and an appropriate policy response in line with its continuous support to the agricultural s...
Eddig ismeretlen vulkánt fedezett fel Nyugat-Magyarországon egy szombathelyi kutató.
Egyre több olyan fehér gólya él Magyarországon, amelyik rendszeresen itt tölti a telet.
Az Európai Bizottság szigorítja az élelmiszerbiztonsági előírásokat a Listeria monocytogenes baktérium elleni védekezés érdekében.
Péntekre valóban megérkezett a havazás Magyarországra, néhol 20 centis hótakaró alakult ki a hegyekben.
Megnyitása óta a legnagyobb mínusszal zárta a 2023-as évet a csengelei kóser vágóhíd.