Good performance of EU agri-food trade in 2022 despite challenges
Looking back at the year 2022, the latest monitoring report published by the European Commission shows that EU agri-food trade totaled €401.5 billion...
Looking back at the year 2022, the latest monitoring report published by the European Commission shows that EU agri-food trade totaled €401.5 billion...
The latest EU agri-food trade figures show that the total value of EU agri-food trade reached a value of €31.4 billion in April 2022, a 14% increase o...
On 1 October 2018, EU member states meeting in the Special Committee on Agriculture (SCA) reached agreement on the Council's negotiating position on t...
This price dashboard provides a monthly summary of commodity price data for the most representative agricultural inputs, agricultural products and con...
Over 200 proposals for EU-supported programmes designed to promote agricultural products have been received following a call for interest in January. ...
The 2017 calls for proposals published today open a new round of competition for co-financed multiannual campaigns implemented on the internal market...
The Commission has this week approved 60 new programmes to promote EU agricultural products on EU and non-EU markets, worth €94 million from the EU bu...
EU producers will receive an increased budget of €133 million in 2017 to promote EU agricultural products outside and inside the EU and to continue fi...
The European Commission has today approved 27 programmes to promote agricultural products in the European Union and in third countries. The total budg...
A magyar kukoricatermesztés lényegében egy kezelendő kockázathalmazként értelmezhető.
A baromfiállományokban óriási pusztítást végez a madárinfluenza, és különösen aggasztó, hogy egy ideje tejelő tehenekben is jelen van a kór.
Marad a hideg idő, és felhők is jönnek, de csak elvétve lesz gyenge csapadék.
A nyugdíjasok számára visszatérítik az élelmiszeráfa egy részét – mondta a miniszterelnök évértékelő beszédében.
Módosult az „Egyedi tudásátadási szolgáltatások támogatása” című pályázati felhívás.