Main results – Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 30 May 2023
Based on information from the presidency and the Commission, ministers exchanged views on the food safety and food waste aspects of the proposed regul...
Based on information from the presidency and the Commission, ministers exchanged views on the food safety and food waste aspects of the proposed regul...
Opportunities of the bioeconomy / Regulation on the certification of carbon removals: agricultural and forestry aspects / Market situation in particul...
Market situation, in particular following the invasion of Ukraine | Trade-related agricultural issues | A new deal for pollinators
Ministers took stock of the market situation in member states, particularly in light of Russia's war against Ukraine. They further received informatio...
The Agriculture and Fisheries Council will be held on Monday 30 January in Brussels, starting at 10.00 am. The session will be chaired by the Swedish...
Agriculture ministers discussed the progress made so far on implementation of the New EU Forest Strategy for 2030. Ministers also discussed the agricu...
Meeting in Luxembourg on 17 October, EU Agriculture Ministers reached a political agreement on 2023 catch limits in the Baltic Sea. Ministers also dis...
The Agriculture and Fisheries Council will be held on Monday 26 September, starting at 10 a.m. in Brussels. The session will be chaired by the Czech M...
EU agriculture and fisheries ministers met in Luxembourg to discuss the situation of agricultural markets in light of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Th...
Commission communication on safeguarding food security
Market situation in the wake of the Ukraine invasion Approval of the CAP strategic plans
Ministers held an exchange of views on ways to strengthen coherence between the Green Deal, the common agricultural policy (CAP) and trade policy, in...
The Agriculture and Fisheries Council will take place on Monday 21 February from 10.00 in Brussels. The meeting will be chaired by the French Minister...
Priorities of the French presidency, trade-related agricultural issues, market situation.
At a meeting today the Council formally adopted the common agricultural policy (CAP) for the period 2023-2027. The new legislation paves the way for a...
CAP Strategic Plans EU marketing standards New EU Forest Strategy for 2030
Organic action plan Trade-related agricultural issues Ending the ‘Cage Age'
Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy Biological control agents
The provisional political agreement reached today by the European Parliament and Council on the new Common Agricultural Policy introduces a fairer, gr...
Ma már inkább érdekességnek számít a hajdinás hurka, amelynek készítése még a rizs elterjedése előtti időkből ered.
Napjainkban egyre ritkábban találkozni igazi fateknőkkel, amelyekben annak idején például disznóvágáskor a kolbászt keverték, a húst sózták.
A Nébih figyelmezteti a biomassza-kereskedőket, biomassza-feldolgozókat és az üzemanyag-forgalmazókat.
Égető szükség van termelési hatékonyság és a versenyképesség növelésére, valamint a talaj állapotának javítására.
A tölgyerdők nagy természeti tőkét jelentenek: szerepük van a faanyagellátásban, a biodiverzitás megőrzésében és a rekreáció biztosításában.