BKT tires, resistant also against stubble
Hybrid crops, excessively short cutting and bad soil maintenance can cause punctures and tears. For this problem, which is increasingly felt by farmer...
Hybrid crops, excessively short cutting and bad soil maintenance can cause punctures and tears. For this problem, which is increasingly felt by farmer...
BKT reports the first-hand experience of Matthew Hawthorne, Farm Manager at Euston Farm, in England, who for his fleet chose the BKT tires AGRIMAX V-F...
The farming industry will gather at Zaragoza in Spain for the 40th edition of FIMA, the International Trade Fair for Agricultural Machinery, which wil...
Seregno (Italy), July 12, 2016 – Today one of the main Off-Highway tire manufacturers worldwide, BKT has specifically designed and developed various t...
The BKT tire has been specially developed for harvesting equipment, namely cotton. The new 580/80 R 34 version with “IF” technology enables high load...
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