Combatting antimicrobial resistance on farms thanks to CAP support
Antimicrobial resistance – the ability of microorganisms to resist antimicrobial treatments, especially antibiotics – has a direct impact on human and...
Antimicrobial resistance – the ability of microorganisms to resist antimicrobial treatments, especially antibiotics – has a direct impact on human and...
Minimising transport duration and thoroughly cleaning vehicles, equipment and spaces where animals are loaded and unloaded are some of the measures co...
Yesterday, The Schippers Group and Healthy Livestock hosted an online conference about antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The conference featured leading...
The silent global threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) highly impacts the agri-food sector, QU Dongyu, Director-General of the Food and Agricultur...
EFSA has begun work on a new assessment looking at the risk of antimicrobial resistant bacteria spreading during animal transport.
A research project to tackle bovine mastitis and reduce the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics in dairy cattle – the widescale use of which can contrib...
ECDC/EFSA report “rings alarm bells”, says EU Commissioner.
The EU is introducing new and improved rules to step up the fight against antimicrobial resistance and improve the availability and safety of veterina...
Another weapon in the fight against animal diseases and antimicrobial resistance.
Olaszország: gazdatüntetéseket jelentettek be január végére
A Nemzeti Agrárgazdasági Kamara szerint a lépés ellehetetlenítené az EU mezőgazdasági termelését.
Kockázatok és mellékhatások az idei gabonatermesztési szezonban.
Narancssárga figyelmeztetést adtak ki több megyére is csütörtökre ónos eső veszélye miatt.
Csak szigorú feltételekkel indulhat a baromfitartó gazdaságok madárinfluenza járványt követő be- és újratelepítése.