Avian influenza: unprecedented number of summer cases in Europe
An unprecedented number of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus detections were reported in wild and domestic birds from June to September i...
An unprecedented number of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus detections were reported in wild and domestic birds from June to September i...
Recently, the increase of outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) have been reported across Europe. Policy officer in the area of Animal...
EU countries are being urged to step up surveillance and biosecurity measures to guard against possible new outbreaks of avian influenza this year.
On 18 July, EU Member States agreed on providing exceptional market support to Italian egg and poultry meat producers, who were affected by avian infl...
Producers of free range eggs will be allowed to continue to market their products as such even if their hens have restricted access to open-air runs b...
As the US is moving from a turbulent 2016 into a new year with an uncertain political outlook, it is important for the poultry industry to understand...
On Wednesday 30 November the Member States supported a Commission proposal that consolidates the protective measures in relation to outbreaks of highl...
New outbreaks of avian influenza have been reported among wild birds and poultry across Europe since the end of October 2016. The highly pathogenic av...
Nyilvános konzultációt kezdeményeztek az Európai Élelmiszerbiztonsági Hatóság teljesítményéről.
Miközben a gyümölcsösök egyelőre biztonságban vannak idén itthon, a szakértők szerint a következő években csökkenő termőterülettel kell számolni.
Van, ahol öt centiméter friss hó is eshet éjszaka Magyarországon, érdemes kihasználni a most érkező havat.
A Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület jelentése szerint rekorddal zárult a 2024-es kerecsensólyom év Magyarországon.
Jönnek az öntözéses pályázati kiírások Magyarországon, februártól nem árt résen lenni.