Innovation award 2018 for intelligent beacons GIL honors Fliegl Counter SX
The German Society for Computer Science in Agriculture, Forestry and the Food Industry (GIL) has awarded the Fliegl Counter SX with the Innovation Awa...
The German Society for Computer Science in Agriculture, Forestry and the Food Industry (GIL) has awarded the Fliegl Counter SX with the Innovation Awa...
An independent expert committee appointed by the DLG (German Agricultural Society) reviewed approximately 320 applications and has awarded four Pöttin...
Beacons are paradoxical: They are small, simple and affordable and at the same time really great. The inconspicuous transmitters are based on simple B...
They are small and technically simple but can do a lot: beacons are one of the most exciting developments in recent years. Currently, new application...
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Egyre többen gondolják úgy, hogy az európai mezőgazdaság jövője a regeneratív gazdálkodásban rejlik.
Az erős kereslet miatt tovább drágult a sárgarépa a nagybani piacokon Ukrajnában.
Már igényelhetők a 3,5 százalékra csökkentett Széchenyi Kártya Program beruházási hitelei.