LEMKEN delivers strong growth
LEMKEN, the specialist for professional arable farming, continued its growth trajectory during the past financial year. The family business, which has...
LEMKEN, the specialist for professional arable farming, continued its growth trajectory during the past financial year. The family business, which has...
Leading light and compact equipment manufacturer the Wacker Neuson Group has made a successful start to 2022.
Michel Denis, President and Chief Executive Officer, stated: “In the first quarter, the group achieved €450 million revenues, down 4% compared to Q1'2...
The Wacker Neuson Group has returned to its growth trajectory. In fiscal 2021, business developments at the Wacker Neuson Group recovered quickly from...
Increased sales domestically and abroad Product range expanded to include separation technologies and other new additions
LEMKEN, the specialist for professional arable farming, closed the past business year with a 22% jump in sales. The €446 million sales volume achieved...
Michel Denis, President and Chief Executive Officer, stated: “The group closed the year with an 18% increase in turnover compared to 2020.
Q3 21 revenues of €432m, +10% vs. Q3 20. Cumulative 9-month sales of €1,402m, +22% vs. 9-month sales 20, +23% like for like.
Despite the enormous challenges presented by the pandemic, the Austrian family-owned company Pöttinger has written another chapter of success in its 1...
The Board of Directors of Manitou BF, meeting on this day, closed the accounts for the first half of 2021.
The Executive Board of the Wacker Neuson Group is looking towards the future with a sense of optimism after a challenging year in 2020.
Krone group generates 1.9 billion euros in sales.
The Board meeting of April 15, 2020 had decided, due to the uncertain environment linked to the health crisis, to waive the proposed dividend payment...
Leading light and compact equipment manufacturer the Wacker Neuson Group continued to clearly feel the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in the third q...
Michel Denis, President and Chief Executive Officer, stated: "Over the third quarter, the group had a sustained level of activity that enabled it to m...
The Board of Directors of Manitou BF, meeting on this day, closed the accounts for the first half of 2020.
Leading light and compact equipment manufacturer the Wacker Neuson Group reported revenue of EUR 410.8 million for the first quarter of 2020. This cor...
Michel Denis, President and Chief Executive Officer, stated: "First quarter business was suddenly interrupted by the globalization of the COVID-19 cri...
The ongoing covid-19 pandemic, together with the resulting protective measures implemented by countries, institutions and companies, are having an inc...
Bár a nappali enyhébb hőmérsékletek és az eső csökkenthetik a hótakarót, sok helyen maradhat fehér karácsony.
Magyarország kiaknázatlan lehetőségeket kínál Európa biomassza-alapú ágazatai és a zöld növekedés számára
Vasárnap reggel országszerte mínuszokra ébredtünk, északon -7,-8 fokot mutattak a hőmérők.
Megjelent az „Állatjóléti támogatás a tejtermelő szavasmarha ágazatban” című (KAP-RD30-1-24) felhívás
Északnyugat felől tovább növekszik, vastagszik a felhőzet, délutánra szinte mindenütt beborul az ég, előtte főként a déli és keleti tájakon néhány órára kisüthet a nap