Combatting antimicrobial resistance on farms thanks to CAP support
Antimicrobial resistance – the ability of microorganisms to resist antimicrobial treatments, especially antibiotics – has a direct impact on human and...
Antimicrobial resistance – the ability of microorganisms to resist antimicrobial treatments, especially antibiotics – has a direct impact on human and...
The European Commission today approved the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Strategic Plans for Austria and Luxembourg. This is the second CAP Strateg...
On 14 September, the President of the European Commission delivered the State of the Union address before the European Parliament, taking stock of the...
Today, the European Commission approved the first package of CAP strategic plans for seven countries: Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Poland, Portu...
The European Commission has delivered observation letters on the draft CAP strategic plans submitted by EU countries.
Ministers held an exchange of views on ways to strengthen coherence between the Green Deal, the common agricultural policy (CAP) and trade policy, in...
The CAP national strategic plans submitted by EU countries to date that are available online can be viewed through the European Commission's website.
The CAP provides EU added value by setting a higher level of ambition than might be available under a purely national approach, requiring minimum leve...
The new CAP regulations, which constitute the basic acts, were published in the Official Journal on 6 December.
At a meeting today the Council formally adopted the common agricultural policy (CAP) for the period 2023-2027. The new legislation paves the way for a...
On Tuesday, Parliament gave the green light to the new EU Farm Policy. This reformed version aims to be greener, fairer, more flexible and transparent...
CAP Strategic Plans EU marketing standards New EU Forest Strategy for 2030
Member States will be allowed to provide higher advances of CAP payments from mid-October.
The political compromise reached on June 25 envisages that every Member State submits a proposal for a CAP Strategic Plan by 1 January 2022. The Commi...
A new upload of the CAP indicators dashboards in the agri-food data portal is available online.
Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy Biological control agents
The provisional political agreement reached today by the European Parliament and Council on the new Common Agricultural Policy introduces a fairer, gr...
The presidency provided ministers with an update on the ongoing inter-institutional negotiations on the three regulations constituting the common agri...
Yesterday, 20 October, the Council agreed on its negotiating position, the so-called general approach, on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform...
Magyarország kiaknázatlan lehetőségeket kínál Európa biomassza-alapú ágazatai és a zöld növekedés számára
Vasárnap reggel országszerte mínuszokra ébredtünk, északon -7,-8 fokot mutattak a hőmérők.
Megjelent az „Állatjóléti támogatás a tejtermelő szavasmarha ágazatban” című (KAP-RD30-1-24) felhívás
Északnyugat felől tovább növekszik, vastagszik a felhőzet, délutánra szinte mindenütt beborul az ég, előtte főként a déli és keleti tájakon néhány órára kisüthet a nap
Idén karácsonykor mélyebben kell a pénztárcába nyúlni, ha diós vagy mákos bejglit sütne valaki otthon.