New Common Agricultural Policy: set for 1 January 2023
The approval of all 28 Strategic Plans (one for each EU country and two for Belgium) by the European Commission marks the start of the new Common Agri...
The approval of all 28 Strategic Plans (one for each EU country and two for Belgium) by the European Commission marks the start of the new Common Agri...
Ministers took stock of the market situation in member states, more particularly in light of Russia's war against Ukraine, which is putting unpreceden...
Today, the European Commission approved the CAP Strategic Plan for Hungary.
The European Commission today approved the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Strategic Plans for Austria and Luxembourg. This is the second CAP Strateg...
Today, the European Commission approved the first package of CAP strategic plans for seven countries: Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Poland, Portu...
The European Commission has delivered observation letters on the draft CAP strategic plans submitted by EU countries.
On 31 March 2022, the Commission sent observation letters relating to the first 19 proposed CAP strategic plans, which were submitted by Austria, Croa...
Market situation in the wake of the Ukraine invasion Approval of the CAP strategic plans
The CAP national strategic plans submitted by EU countries to date that are available online can be viewed through the European Commission's website.
The new CAP regulations, which constitute the basic acts, were published in the Official Journal on 6 December.
CAP Strategic Plans EU marketing standards New EU Forest Strategy for 2030
The political compromise reached on June 25 envisages that every Member State submits a proposal for a CAP Strategic Plan by 1 January 2022. The Commi...
Hónapokig, évekig elhúzódó aszályok várhatók, erre mindenkinek fel kell készülni.
Súlyos problémákat okozhat ez az állat a magyar vizekben, ezért volna szükség a változásra.
Minden csupa fehér a Mecsek csúcsán, de már nem sokáig tart a téli mesevilág, csütörtöktől jön az enyhülés.
Túlnyomóan borult, párás, foltokban ködös lesz az idő, legfeljebb estétől délnyugaton fordulhatnak elő kisebb szakadozások
Tényleg annyira veszélyesek az adalékanyagok az élelmiszerekben, amennyire mondják?