€56,3 million for Bulgarian, Polish and Romanian farmers
Commissioner Wojciechowski presented the Commission's proposal to Ministers of agriculture in today's agriculture Council meeting. Worth €56,3 million...
Commissioner Wojciechowski presented the Commission's proposal to Ministers of agriculture in today's agriculture Council meeting. Worth €56,3 million...
Since the start of Russia's invasion of the whole of Ukraine in February 2022, there have been concerns over a global food crisis.
For marketing year 2019/20, feed demand is forecasted to increase by 2 million tonnes of crude proteins, compared to 2018/19, and reach 84 million ton...
Sumitomo Chemical and Nufarm Limited announced today that both companies have signed an agreement on the novel fungicide compound ‘metyltetraprole,' f...
The Commission published today a report presenting a short-term agricultural markets' outlook for 2018-2019 for arable crops, meat and dairy markets i...
European Union cereal production in 2017/18 is expected to slightly recover, with an increase of 1.5% compared to 2016/17, adding up to almost 300 mil...
EU cereal production is expected to recover slightly in the year ahead, although levels are likely to remain below average. This is just one of the fi...
More than any other economic sector, agricultural production depends on weather, and this year is no exception.
High cost effectiveness, versatility and convenience – these are the key advantages of the new DUPLEX SEED drilling process, available on Pöttinger AE...
Two new market observatories are being created to provide the European Commission with advice and expertise on the economic factors affecting developm...
Wheat, soy oil, pork among main drivers, helped by weaker euro and lower oil prices
Több teljesítmény + gazdaságosság = CEREA Amióta a Massey Ferguson az új MF 7200-as sorozatát bemutatta, az eladási sikerek megállíthatatlanok. A kon...
Bozhidar Ivanov, Emilia Sokolova (2014) Modelling of cereal and oilseed crop production in the context of policy changes in Bulgaria In: Studies in...
A karácsonyi fogyasztása átlagosan 513 kg CO2-egyenértékű kibocsátást eredményez, ez több mint 23-szorosa az átlagos napi 22 kg-os értéknek.
Mindenhol jóval hidegebb volt, mint egy nappal korábban, köszönhetően annak, hogy kiderült az ég és leállt a szél.
Az ENSZ előrejelzése szerint jövőre 307 millió ember szorul majd segítségre, de csak 60 százalékuknak tudnak támogatást nyújtani.
Csupán kevés fátyolfelhőzet érkezik, amely napközben nem fogja érdemben szűrni a napsütést
2024-ben is számtalan nagy interjút készített az Agrárszektor és rengeteg neves szakemberekkel beszélgettünk.