Extreme weather pushes EU wine harvest to historical low in 2017
Adverse climatic conditions in 2017, including heavy hailstorms and hard frosts in the spring as well as drought in the summer, caused considerable da...
Adverse climatic conditions in 2017, including heavy hailstorms and hard frosts in the spring as well as drought in the summer, caused considerable da...
The European Parliament has approved the ratification of the Paris Agreement by the European Union today. With today's European Parliament approval of...
Today, Farm Europe hosted a debate on how Climate Change is impacting agriculture and food systems in a world experiencing more instable and volatile...
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney has warmly welcomed the historic Paris climate change agreement that has been reached...
Yara is present at the UN Climate Summit in Paris between November 30 – December 11 to highlight the role of agriculture in tackling climate change.
Speaking in front of over 400 stakeholders from the agricultural sector, today Commissioner Hogan today presented his vision for agriculture in the Eu...
Science for Environement Policy nr. 403
Vasárnap a minimum-hőmérséklet általában mínusz 6 és 0 fok között alakul majd Magyarországon.
Szajkókkal dolgoznak a Pilisi Parkerdő munkatársai Budapest és környékének városi erdeiben.
Kiemelt prioritásként kezelik a hatóanyagok engedélyezési folyamatának egyszerűsítését itthon.
Az Európai Bizottság megerősítette, hogy véglegesíti azon amerikai termékek listáját, amelyekre importvámokat fog kivetni.
Éjszaka nyugat felől újabb csapadékzóna érkezik, melyből valahol havazásra, néhol pedig havas esőre is lehet számítani.