CAP 2023-27 on track? Check it online!
In line with its transparency and monitoring requirements, the European Commission launched today an online dashboard presenting the targets set at na...
In line with its transparency and monitoring requirements, the European Commission launched today an online dashboard presenting the targets set at na...
The approval of all 28 Strategic Plans (one for each EU country and two for Belgium) by the European Commission marks the start of the new Common Agri...
Ministers took stock of the market situation in member states, more particularly in light of Russia's war against Ukraine, which is putting unpreceden...
The European Commission launches dashboard on food security in the EU.
Today, the European Commission approved the CAP Strategic Plan for Hungary.
The European Commission launched the European CAP Network during an event in Brussels gathering more than 300 participants, from the public and privat...
Today, the European Commission approved the first package of CAP strategic plans for seven countries: Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Poland, Portu...
The Commission published guidelines to help Member States and stakeholders apply the rules on the safe reuse of treated urban waste water for agricult...
Nearly half of Europeans think that securing a stable supply of food in the EU at all times should be a main objective of the Common Agricultural Poli...
The Commission has today proposed an annual EU budget of €185.6 billion for 2023, to be complemented by an estimated €113.9 billion in grants under Ne...
Today, the European Commission published a study examining how the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2014-20 contributed to improving animal welfare an...
Commission communication on safeguarding food security
On 31 March 2022, the Commission sent observation letters relating to the first 19 proposed CAP strategic plans, which were submitted by Austria, Croa...
The CAP national strategic plans submitted by EU countries to date that are available online can be viewed through the European Commission's website.
The CAP provides EU added value by setting a higher level of ambition than might be available under a purely national approach, requiring minimum leve...
The new CAP regulations, which constitute the basic acts, were published in the Official Journal on 6 December.
A fair standard of living for farmers and a safe and healthy food supply are some of the main results of the common agricultural policy (CAP) over the...
At a meeting today the Council formally adopted the common agricultural policy (CAP) for the period 2023-2027. The new legislation paves the way for a...
The European Commission adopted on 26 November 2021 a regulation allowing Member States to reimburse €686 million to European farmers.
On Tuesday, Parliament gave the green light to the new EU Farm Policy. This reformed version aims to be greener, fairer, more flexible and transparent...
Az állati takarmányokban felhasználható adalékanyagokról szóló jogszabályokat módosított az Európai Bizottság.
Megjelent az Agro Napló napraforgóval foglalkozó különkiadványa.
Teljesen automatizált paradicsom-betakarító robotot mutatott be két holland vállalkozás.
2024-ben az AGROmashEXPO keretein belül a Magyar Talajvédelmi Szövetség szakmai kerekasztal-beszélgetést szervezett.
Több módosítás is történt Mezőgazdasági kisüzemek beruházási támogatása című felhívás tervezetében.