Main results - Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 21 February 2022
Ministers held an exchange of views on ways to strengthen coherence between the Green Deal, the common agricultural policy (CAP) and trade policy, in...
Ministers held an exchange of views on ways to strengthen coherence between the Green Deal, the common agricultural policy (CAP) and trade policy, in...
CAP Strategic Plans EU marketing standards New EU Forest Strategy for 2030
The political compromise reached on June 25 envisages that every Member State submits a proposal for a CAP Strategic Plan by 1 January 2022. The Commi...
The Council reached three important political agreements for Europe's agriculture and fisheries sectors during the two-day Council in Luxembourg (19-2...
Ministers met in Brussels and advanced discussions on the post 2020 common agriculture policy (CAP) reform package in the view of adopting the Council...
Soil is the very basis for the food we grow as well as for the production of feed, textiles, wood and other materials. It provides us with clean water...
Today, under the Lithuanian Presidency, the Special Committee on Agriculture (SCA) approved final compromise texts of the common agriculture policy (C...
A Nemzeti Agrárgazdasági Kamara szerint a lépés ellehetetlenítené az EU mezőgazdasági termelését.
Kockázatok és mellékhatások az idei gabonatermesztési szezonban.
Narancssárga figyelmeztetést adtak ki több megyére is csütörtökre ónos eső veszélye miatt.
Csak szigorú feltételekkel indulhat a baromfitartó gazdaságok madárinfluenza járványt követő be- és újratelepítése.
Hónapokig, évekig elhúzódó aszályok várhatók, erre mindenkinek fel kell készülni.