EFSA: Better housing needed for dairy cows, ducks, geese, and quail to improve welfare
Dairy cows, ducks, geese and quail need more space and improved housing according to animal welfare recommendations published today in two new scienti...
Dairy cows, ducks, geese and quail need more space and improved housing according to animal welfare recommendations published today in two new scienti...
Early detection of health problems in dairy cows could could lead up to a 15% reduction in the amount of methane emissions they produce, according to...
Today, Member States have approved the marketing in the EU of an innovative feed additive, as proposed by the Commission. The additive, consisting of...
Clinical problems are readily recognized in production animals. However, the constant stress challenges encountered daily that are not easily recogniz...
Agrifirm proudly presents 1inMelk, a unique approach based on a combination of feed concepts, advice from top-level specialists, and result monitoring...
Sustainability in milk production is an outstanding criterion for dairy cow farmers in Germany and neighbouring countries to be able to meet market re...
DLG publishes Expert Knowledge Series pamphlet on animal-friendly husbandry in English – free download at www.dlg.org/dlg_expert_knowledge.html
The answer to the question in the title has been keeping farmers busy for ages in relation to the rumen of cows. The rumen is the most precise instrum...
DeLaval wins the silver medal for innovations by EuroTier organisers DLG for its DeLaval cleaning analysis DCA, demonstrating our continued leadership...
With over 25 exhibits on display, DeLaval continues to inspire dairy farmers globally, to continue driving progress in four important areas: farm prof...
To support our customers' future success, it is key to stay innovative. Throughout the years, DeLaval has been relentless in doing so and during the l...
Bernard van Lengerich Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co.KG (BvL) in Emsbüren strives to support dairy farmers in their efforts to produce a feed mix of co...
Aside from their feeding and other aspects, the design of the surfaces on which the animals rest is a factor of paramount importance to the health and...
Fully customized dairy cattle feeding technology that is on the cutting edge – that is one of the strong points of Bernard van Lengerich Maschinenfabr...
Túlnyomóan borult, párás, foltokban ködös lesz az idő, legfeljebb estétől délnyugaton fordulhatnak elő kisebb szakadozások
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Második alkalommal díjazta a legjobb gazdákat a Kukorica Kör Egyesület 2025 január 16-án.
A nyers tejnek számos eljáráson kell átesnie, mire vajként az asztalunkra kerülhet.
2021 júniusa óta most van a legmagasabb szinten a kukorica jegyzése a chicagói árutőzsdén.