Breakthrough approach for detecting mastitis in dairy cows
The developers behind the smaXtec advanced health system have identified a new early standard for mastitis detection – Level Zero – which will enhance...
The developers behind the smaXtec advanced health system have identified a new early standard for mastitis detection – Level Zero – which will enhance...
A change in body temperature is the first sign of the most common diseases in dairy cows and is therefore essential for reliable early detection. With...
EFSA is closely monitoring the situation regarding the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) that is affecting a large number of countries across...
Frozen corn is the likely source of an outbreak of Listeria monocytogeneswhich has affected five EU Member States (Austria, Denmark, Finland, Sweden,...
The Commission has adopted decisions to commit close to €165 million to fight against animal diseases and zoonoses as well as further support the surv...
New legislation to tackle outbreaks of animal diseases, such as African swine fever, more effectively, restrict the introduction of dangerous new pest...
Felhősebb idő várható a jövő héten, enyhülnek az éjszakai fagyok is, némi eső is jöhet.
A saját hatáskörben megtermelhető élelmiszer szavatolja az európaiak biztonságát a francia elnök szerint.
Természetjárás során bárki találkozhat a fák tövében megbúvó, mesevilágot idéző apró víztestekkel.
Egy energiaitalban 9,5, a kólában 9, a „dobozos” tejeskávéban pedig több mint 7 kockacukornyi cukor van.
A gleccserolvadás 18 milliméterrel növelte a tengerszint globális emelkedését 2000-2023 között.