Draft EU budget 2023: €53.6 billion proposed for the CAP
The Commission has today proposed an annual EU budget of €185.6 billion for 2023, to be complemented by an estimated €113.9 billion in grants under Ne...
The Commission has today proposed an annual EU budget of €185.6 billion for 2023, to be complemented by an estimated €113.9 billion in grants under Ne...
At a meeting today the Council formally adopted the common agricultural policy (CAP) for the period 2023-2027. The new legislation paves the way for a...
Member states' EU ambassadors today agreed the Council's position on the 2022 EU draft budget. In total, the Council's position amounts to €167.7 bill...
The German presidency of the Council and the European Parliament's negotiators today reached a provisional agreement on a new general regime of condit...
Member states' EU ambassadors today agreed the Council's position on a regulation on a general regime of conditionality for the protection of the Unio...
In its proposal for a reinforced long-term budget, the Commission will increase the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) by €9 billion (€4 billion for the...
As announced by European Commission President von der Leyen on 27 May 2020, the Commission is proposing a new REACT-EU initiative to increase cohesion...
The European Commission has put forward its proposal for a major recovery plan. To ensure the recovery is sustainable, even, inclusive and fair for al...
Considering the health crisis and consequent delays to finding a timely agreement on the new long-term EU budget, Budget MEPs reiterate their call for...
Finland's Presidency has submitted its proposal for the next long-term EU budget, the multiannual financial framework (MFF) for 2021–2027, to the memb...
On 18 November the Council and the European Parliament reached agreement on an EU budget for 2020 which strongly focuses on growth and competitiveness...
Ahead of the European Council meeting on 17 and 18 October, the European Commission calls on EU Heads of State or Government to provide political guid...
EU ambassadors today agreed the Council's position on the 2020 EU draft budget. Once formally adopted by the Council, this will serve as a mandate for...
The European Commission has proposed an EU budget of €168.3 billion for 2020 for a more competitive European economy, and for solidarity and security...
For the next long-term EU budget 2021-2027, the Commission is proposing to modernise and simplify the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
The Commission is today proposing a pragmatic, modern, long-term budget for the 2021-2027 period. It is an honest response to today's reality in which...
EU Commissioner for Agriculture & Rural Development Phil Hogan today (April 20th) stated that his top priority in the ongoing EU budget negotiatio...
Against the backdrop of the ongoing negotiations concerning the UK withdrawal from the European Union, the European Commission will present on May 2nd...
The EU is simplifying the rules on using money from the EU budget. On 19 April 2018, the Council's Permanent Representatives Committee (Coreper) endor...
Napjainkban egyre ritkábban találkozni igazi fateknőkkel, amelyekben annak idején például disznóvágáskor a kolbászt keverték, a húst sózták.
A Nébih figyelmezteti a biomassza-kereskedőket, biomassza-feldolgozókat és az üzemanyag-forgalmazókat.
Égető szükség van termelési hatékonyság és a versenyképesség növelésére, valamint a talaj állapotának javítására.
A tölgyerdők nagy természeti tőkét jelentenek: szerepük van a faanyagellátásban, a biodiverzitás megőrzésében és a rekreáció biztosításában.
Megnyitja kapuit Európa egyik legnagyobb mezőgazdasági szakkiállítása, a kilenc napig tartó, neves Salon d'Agriculture.