Stringent residue limits for pesticides to protect pollinators
The European Commission adopted new rules which will, once applicable, lower the Maximum Residues Levels (MRLs) of two pesticides in food.
The European Commission adopted new rules which will, once applicable, lower the Maximum Residues Levels (MRLs) of two pesticides in food.
ECDC/EFSA report “rings alarm bells”, says EU Commissioner.
The Commission authorised today the placing on the market of products - for food and feed purposes - containing, consisting of, or produced from vario...
What is a GMO? What role does EFSA play in the risk assessment of GMOs? And what has EFSA done recently in this area? You can find the answers to thes...
Despite repeated efforts from the Commission to address concerns expressed about the re-approval of glyphosate, Member States were not prepared to tak...
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A Kubota gépgyártó és a Robotti robotikai vállalat stratégiai partnerségre lépett egymással.
Elsősorban a paprikaállományokat sújtotta a pusztító vihar, de uborka, cukkini és padlizsán területeken is okozott bajt.
Vasárnapra megérkezik a lehűlés, több tájegységünkön is fagypont köré, illetve fagytont alá hűl a levegő.