EU agri-food exports maintain strong performance
EU agri-food exports were €10.6 billion in April 2017, a level equal to the average of the last four years.
EU agri-food exports were €10.6 billion in April 2017, a level equal to the average of the last four years.
How much of what consumers pay for food ends up in farmer's pockets? From farm to fork, food prices develop along the food supply chain, involving far...
A new early warning system detecting agricultural production anomaly hotspots will be launched at the European Development Days on the 8 June 2017 in...
The EU and China agreed today to formally publish a list of two hundred European and Chinese geographical indications - 100 from each side - that will...
Over 200 proposals for EU-supported programmes designed to promote agricultural products have been received following a call for interest in January. ...
Agricultural interbranch organisations (IBOs) bring together various operators active in the food supply chain, from farmers and manufacturers to supe...
Organic products from Norway and Iceland, including Norwegian organic salmon, can again be imported to the European Union and duly marketed as abiding...
Q&A on the new Official Controls Regulation
Although a number of EU policies have the potential to combat food waste, their potential is not being exploited, according to a new report from the E...
On 12 December 2016 the Council, led by the Slovak Presidency, adopted conclusions on strengthening the position of farmers in the food supply chain a...
From 1 November, Phil Hogan, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, is visiting Hong Kong, Vietnam and Indonesia accompanied by a busines...
Ninety-seven per cent of food samples collected in the European Union are free of pesticide residues or contain traces that are within legal limits. T...
The United Nations (UN) expects the population to grow to more than 9 billion inhabitants on Earth by 2050. Not only will there be more mouths to feed...
The Commission authorised today the placing on the market of products - for food and feed purposes - containing, consisting of, or produced from vario...
EU Maize Plantings Consolidate in 2016 Sorghum in Europe: a True Potential Technical Guide on Grain & Feed Corn: the French Expertise in One Pub...
MEPs urge the EU Commission to put forward proposals against unfair trading practices in the food supply chain, so as to ensure fair earnings for farm...
Since the mid-2000s agricultural and food prices moved to a higher level and in parallel with prices of other commodities – and at times have also bee...
Wheat, soy oil, pork among main drivers, helped by weaker euro and lower oil prices
Meat used as an ingredient in processed foods, such as lasagne, should be labelled by country of origin as is already the case for bovine fresh meat,...
2014 is third consecutive year of falling prices as all commodity groups except for meat decline
Nem áll meg a drágulás, november közepén tovább emelkedett a burgonya ára Lengyelországban.
A havazás és a viharos szél miatt több vármegyére is elsőfokú figyelmeztetést adtak ki.
Az éjszaka során a fél országban elkezdett szakadni a hó, komoly gondokat okozva ezzel a közlekedésben és az infrastruktúrában.
Becslések szerint a mezőgazdaságban eddig keletkezett kár óriási, meghaladja a 80 milliárd dollárt.
Általában erősen felhős vagy borult idő várható, majd a délután északnyugat felől vékonyodik, szakadozik, csökken a felhőzet, de a keleti megyékben akár estig felhős maradhat az ég