HARVEST ASSIST app: Pöttinger optimises forage harvesting
Pöttinger, the grassland specialist, always focuses on achieving the best working results and optimising processes when developing its machines and di...
Pöttinger, the grassland specialist, always focuses on achieving the best working results and optimising processes when developing its machines and di...
The new MERGENTO VT 9220 merger from grassland specialist Pöttinger was voted "FARM MACHINE 2023" at the SIMA in Paris (FR).
The TOP 842 C centre-swath rake offers high output and the best ground tracking over a working width of 7.7 to 8.4 metres. Pöttinger has upgraded this...
Pöttinger, the Austrian manufacturer of agricultural machinery, is adding another highlight to its already extensive range of mowers: the NOVACAT 402...
The rake is one of the most important links in the entire harvest chain. Despite the considerable working width, the raking results must still be top-...
NOVADISC mower combinations feature the very latest developments. These machines are packed with technical refinements and have an eye-catching appear...
In developing its products, agricultural technology manufacturer Pöttinger has focussed on high forage quality, perfect ground tracking and cost effec...
The total area of forests 'clear-cut' harvested in the EU in 2016-2018 was 49% higher than in 2011-2015, according to a JRC study published in Nature.
Pöttinger has redesigned its proven rear-mounted mowers with side pivot mounting: because they are so smooth running, NOVADISC mowers stand for high c...
For the new types of Fendt forage harvester released in model year 2019, the Katana pickup has been further developed; we have expanded the Heavy Duty...
Double-digit growth in incoming orders €7.5 billion turnover anticipated for 2017 from German production Upswing includes key international markets...
Az állati takarmányokban felhasználható adalékanyagokról szóló jogszabályokat módosított az Európai Bizottság.
Megjelent az Agro Napló napraforgóval foglalkozó különkiadványa.
Teljesen automatizált paradicsom-betakarító robotot mutatott be két holland vállalkozás.
2024-ben az AGROmashEXPO keretein belül a Magyar Talajvédelmi Szövetség szakmai kerekasztal-beszélgetést szervezett.
Több módosítás is történt Mezőgazdasági kisüzemek beruházási támogatása című felhívás tervezetében.