Public consultation on the revision of the EU geographical indications scheme
This public consultation invites citizens and organisations, and national and regional public authorities to contribute to the assessment of how to st...
This public consultation invites citizens and organisations, and national and regional public authorities to contribute to the assessment of how to st...
Today the European Union and Mexico strengthened their cooperation in geographical indications (GIs) protection by updating their agreement on the mut...
Launched in April 2019, the public database 'eAmbrosia - the EU Geographical Indications registers' now includes geographical indications (GI) for agr...
Today the official documents for the European Union to become a member of the Geneva Act were deposited at the World Intellectual Property Organisatio...
The Commission launched today a public consultation on geographical indications (GIs) and traditional specialities guaranteed (TSGs), both part of the...
Today, the EU and China concluded the negotiations on a bilateral agreement to protect 100 European Geographical Indications (GI) in China and 100 Chi...
Following a positive vote in the European Parliament plenary session, the Council expressed its support today to allow the European Union to join the ...
On 29 March 2019, three initiatives were decided on, as part of the implementation of the ‘African Union Continental strategy for Geographical Indicat...
Today, the negotiators of the Council and the European Parliament with the presence of the European Commission reached a political agreement on the ne...
A town in Southern Italy, traditional Sunday lunch, a Eurotrip through Central Europe…every dish has a story behind it at personal as much as at natio...
The EU and China agreed today to formally publish a list of two hundred European and Chinese geographical indications - 100 from each side - that will...
A gleccserolvadás 18 milliméterrel növelte a tengerszint globális emelkedését 2000-2023 között.
Széleskörű lakossági tájékoztatási programot indít a Parkerdő egy budapesti erdőért.
Egy neves japán egyetem kutatásai azt tűzték ki célul, hogy 2040-re növénytermesztő farmot hozzanak létre a Holdon.
A középső országrészben akár tartósan borult maradhat az ég, másutt több-kevesebb napsütés várható
A metszésnél fontos, hogy a sebzési felület minél kisebb legyen, így csökkenthetjük a kártevők és kórokozók bejutásának esélyét.