Krone with modern new ISOBUS user interface
With a new ISOBUS user interface and thanks to innovative visualisation and an excellent overview of control elements, Krone is ensuring even more com...
With a new ISOBUS user interface and thanks to innovative visualisation and an excellent overview of control elements, Krone is ensuring even more com...
AGCO Corporation (NYSE:AGCO), a worldwide manufacturer and distributor of agricultural machinery and precision ag technology, recognized its EME-based...
The share of EU agricultural land under organic farming increased by more than 50% over the period 2012–2020, with an annual increase of 5.7%. In 2020...
H1 revenue up 15.5 percent on previous year; double-digit growth across all reporting regions EBIT margin 8.2 percent (-2.6 pp yoy); profitability im...
As part of EnergyDecentral 2022, the leading trade fair for decentralized energy supply, the DLG (German Agricultural Society), as organizer, will be...
BASF Innovation Hub is intended for start-ups and innovators dealing with clean energy, smart transportation and farm to fork strategies. Local round...
The second SmartProduction Technology Conference was held at Fendt on May 19th. 158 representatives of well-known companies and the start-up scene met...
New DLG innovation award scheme recognizes visionary concepts– five winners honored at digital award ceremony at – Part of “Agrite...
MDB Srl, VOGT GmbH & Co. KG, HBC-radiomatic GmbH and REICHHARDT GmbH Steuerungstechnik have been awarded the silver medal for the Innovation Award...
We are pleased to present you the innovations of RAUCH Landmaschinenfabrik GmbH.
The DLG (German Agricultural Society), organiser of Agritechnica, today announced the winners of the Agritechnica Innovation Awards. With 164 qualifyi...
The Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate (AIM for Climate), a major new climate initiative led by the United States (US) and United Arab Emirate...
The Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate (AIM for Climate) is a joint initiative by the United Arab Emirates and the United States, with endorse...
Trelleborg Wheel Systems has added a new Innovation Area to the Virtual Showroom it successfully launched in March 2021.
Continental cooperates with innovation network for advanced materials (INAM) on innovative material solutions with a focus on sustainability.
The Governments of the United States and the United Arab Emirates will be announcing the launch of the Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate (AIM...
Old farmsteads, grazing cows and chugging tractors – these are the images that spring to many people's minds when it comes to agriculture. But even in...
Seventh episode of “Growing Together”, the TV format promoting the sporting and business excellence of the Italian towns and cities involved in the Se...
NUCROP, the new hybrid electric solution for alternative crop desiccation and weed management, has been voted the most innovative new technology in po...
The fourth episode of the “Growing Together” series, the BKT project which, together with DAZN, tells the tale of the towns in the Serie BKT champions...
A betárolt tételek minőségi romlása miatt egyszerre került nagy mennyiségű áru a piacra.
2024-ben jelentősen megnőtt a mikotoxinok jelenléte az állati takarmányokban az előző évhez képest.
Csütörtöktől az ország nagy részében elbúcsúzunk a reggeli fagyoktól, hétvégén már a 20 fokot is átléphetjük itthon.
Túlnyomóan derült, száraz idő várható, néhol kevés fátyolfelhővel
A februári-márciusi időszak ideális számos zöldségféle, köztük a káposztafélék, paradicsom, paprika és zeller palántanevelésének megkezdésére.