TERRIA: More applications and even higher efficiency
On 14 April 2023, the second hall was officially opened at the new rake and baler plant in St. Georgen near Grieskirchen (AT). Following almost 1.5 ye...
Pöttinger, the grassland specialist, always focuses on achieving the best working results and optimising processes when developing its machines and di...
Agricultural machinery manufacturer Pöttinger adds an important feature to the equipment options on the SERVO T 6000.
Following the launch of the new BOSS 3000 MASTER loader wagons with the innovative EVOMATIC loader unit, Pöttinger is now also launching the BOSS 3000...
Pöttinger complements its product portfolio for modern arable farming through the acquisition of the Italian manufacturer MaterMacc Spa. The existing...
The new MERGENTO VT 9220 merger from grassland specialist Pöttinger was voted "FARM MACHINE 2023" at the SIMA in Paris (FR).
The plough still plays a major role in modern arable farming for controlling weeds and managing crop health.
Following the great success of the AEROSEM VT trailed pneumatic seed drills with a working width of 5 metres, Pöttinger is now launching this combinat...
Intuitive operation of machines is becoming increasingly important for farm businesses. That is why Pöttinger has introduced new controls that enhance...
Pöttinger launches the new flexible TOP 632 A with CURVETECH side rake.
Based in Austria, steep slopes and uneven terrain are operating conditions with which Pöttinger is very familiar. With the new NOVACAT F ALPIN mowers,...
Hamarosan megérkeznek a Magtár Kft.-hez a szálastakarmány-betakarításra specializálódott Pöttinger legújabb Impress bálázói. Nagy érdeklődés övezi az...
There are many factors involved in sowing: The optimum sowing time depends on the type of plant, the duration of sunshine, and temperature. These weat...
The plough plays a major role in modern arable farming. On no other machine is the bandwidth of individual requirements - dictated by widely varying s...
Pöttinger, the specialist for tillage and seed drill technology, has expanded its range of AEROSEM FDD pneumatic seed drills: Starting November 2021,...
In addition to optimum soil and weather conditions, choosing the right seed drill technology is essential for perfect seed emergence. Pöttinger's TERR...
Five years ago, the Austrian agricultural machinery manufacturer Pöttinger successfully launched its IMPRESS round baler, which was developed entirely...
The new trailed AEROSEM seed drill with a working width of 5 metres combined with active tillage from Pöttinger combines high output performance with...
A mezőgazdasági kisüzemek fejlesztését célzó pályázat a kisléptékű fejlesztéseket igyekszik támogatni.
Hiába nőtt 2024 negyedik negyedévében a gazdaság teljesítménye, a gyengélkedő agrárium visszahúzta a bővülést.
A helyi nagybani piacokon február végére a krumpli ára egyfajta hullámvölgybe került.
A betárolt tételek minőségi romlása miatt egyszerre került nagy mennyiségű áru a piacra.
2024-ben jelentősen megnőtt a mikotoxinok jelenléte az állati takarmányokban az előző évhez képest.