AEROSEM VT 6000 DD: Extended working width
Following the great success of the AEROSEM VT trailed pneumatic seed drills with a working width of 5 metres, Pöttinger is now launching this combinat...
Following the great success of the AEROSEM VT trailed pneumatic seed drills with a working width of 5 metres, Pöttinger is now launching this combinat...
The new trailed AEROSEM seed drill with a working width of 5 metres combined with active tillage from Pöttinger combines high output performance with...
Thanks to the successful integration of precision seed drilling technology into a standard pneumatic seed drill, the Pöttinger AEROSEM offers the high...
Pöttinger launched the new generation of pneumatic seed drills in 2013. The award-winning AEROSEM features unique technology for the highest possible...
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